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Selamat Hari Raya A'dil Fitri to all visitors. Maaf zahir dan batin. Tulus ikhlas daripada zoolf Expérience


Blind Tribe anyone? Blind Tribe... go on play dat song. Tribute to the early Blind Tribe.


Oh ooh..Pop!
Oh ooh..Pop!
Oh ooh..Pop!
Ye ye!!
Gerakkan badan
Kiri ke kanan
Ikut irama
Pop Ye Ye!!!

- Pop Ye Ye by V.E

Check the song in player at the bottom.


Hey ya'll. I've update my website. Now u can listen the music I upload'd while u check my website out. There's a bar at the bottom which consist of the player. Click play to listen the song n click <Previous> or <Next> to choose. If u can't see the table row which place the player, click here. Anyway, Enjoy lepakin in my website. Word...


I've uploaded songs from the K-Leader Seminar OST, it is located at current download section. It is now available to be download. Please download one file at a time, this is to save bandwidth so that there won't be any traffic jam. Thanx and Enjoy!


First of all I would like to express my gratitude of condolence to all the 26/12 victims who had suffer pain in heart, mind and feelings. To all the volunteers who had gave all their strength, skill, knowledge and capability to help the 26/12 victims either at the place, near or not even there, I give you all a high respect and proud to you all from me. I know I am not able to give money, food, cloth or even water. But I did my best to serve them with what I able to do. Regards.


Yay! I've manage to upload new files. So go to current download and download the new two files, Lindsay Lohan and got la this one new file I uploaded. Arite? Okey good.


For the past few days my website was currently broken fxck. Therefore I am so sorry for the inconvenience, it was caused by my hosting. I don't know what happen but it happen. I also would like to take this opportunity to say Selamat Hari Raya A'dil Fitri with Maaf Zahir and Batin. Trimaks!


Latest in this website is that I've uploaded one softwarez (Bit Torrent) files at current download located in others. May be you think that it's lame for me to upload just ONE file, well this is because of the problem encountered every time I upload file. Sucks. And seems Azizul bored with my childish pictures collection, so I uploaded at zoolf Pictures Proton SRM and TRM model which I first saw last August. I was wondering since then when will they will release that model? Damn, what took them so long...


Here's one more thing that you can do to support my website, add me to your web links. Located on the lower right corner. Shout box this website site to your website when you're done so I can link you back. Lets support each others, we support because we care. Do you care? Well I do. But if you don't, do I give a quack. Sucker.


This website is still the same as it was on Oct 11 2004. But I've change a little bit on appearance. Not much but batter. You might not see the difference though, therefore don't force ya'self. Other than that, support my website by spreading my wallpaper. Click here and when the new window appears, right click and Save Background As or Save Picture As


There's another new article to be read in Learn at Extra and for x-treme subwoofer users, download these new songs to test your subwoofer in Songs at current download. These songs are to be listen at own risk.


New old game (huh?) and new article placed in Extra


New songs to be download at current download.


In the current download section there's also a new bunch of song to be listen. So enjoy...


What's new? Well guess what? This website is new. It is an improvement from the first version. The main concept is still the same but the design had been redesign (get it "redesign"? *chuckle* *chuckle*). With the concept of each box have different colour tone, the new redesign also come with its new colour which is Blue! Yes, I have added Blue! in the website... no, no, not that Blue idiot! The colour Blue! Stupid! Any way other than that, the main different is the website title have been change from

"zoolf personal website",

which it sounded lame... yea it sounded lame... so I changed it to

"zoolf Expérience"!

which actually I used a France word (yea I know you barely notice it), expérience. Means experience... arrr,  yeah there's no big difference.

With the new title, the website also had change its hosting and redirect name. Now as you can see there's no advertisement like the old version. This is to comfort  the view while surfing the page. Yup, surfing the page, not the "net".

So I hope you guys will enjoy and please leave a message in the Shout Box or in the Forum. So, word'up y'all! Y'all heard me? Huh, word!...