
Video clips


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K-Leader Seminar Clip

A part from the K-Leader Seminar Event.

Ω Presenting now! Ω

K-Leader Seminar OST


IPK Tsunami

K-Leader Seminar OST IPK Tsunami Video Clip.

Ω Presenting now! Ω

K-Leader Seminar OST


Muse - Hullabaloo - Plug in Baby

Song Plug In Baby by Muse at Hullabaloo (huru-hara) Live concert in Paris.

Ω Presented by video clip Ω

artist Muse


Robot dance

Robot Dance? But can robot really do that?

Ω Presented with sound Ω

taken from other website


Smallville Season 4 Trailer

For those who still watching Smallville Season 3. This is for the coming season.

Ω Presented with sound Ω

taken from other website


Playing soccer naked (parental advisory needed)

For those under age, its okay but for teenage girls they need to be attended by their own parents.

Ω Presented with sound Ω

taken from other website